Mario vs Donkey Kong
Mario's Toy Factory, Level MM
Alright we're almost at the end of Mario's Toy Factory, because we've reached the Mechanical Mario stage. If you've every played Krusty's Fun House on the NES, these levels should be very familar. What you're basically doing is guiding a small army of
Mechanical Marios through the level. They will always follow you and sometimes get stuck. You need to open paths for them and help them, so they can help you collect three blocks labeled T, O. Y. Ok, Here we go. Keep going right and climb up the red ladder, keep going right to find a yellow switch, jump on it, so your toys can take little hops to join you. You should already have the T, now for the O walk left and make sure none of the Mechanical Marios are lost. Climb up the yellow ladder and walk a little to your left, enough so all the MMs can hop over the yellow collect O. Continue walking left and
hit the Red Switch, it will remove the yellow blocks blocking the MMs path. Now walk all the way to the left edge of the screen so all six of the Mechanical Marios can jump in the toy box. After all six are in, jump on top of the box to lift it. Get Ready for Donkey Kong.