Mario vs Donkey Kong
Mario's Toy Factory, Level DK
The MM level wasn't that hard and you probably wondered what is the purpose for it. Well, the MM level determines how many hits you have til you lose the battle. Each Mechanical Mario gives you one hit, so instead of just starting the battle over from one
you get another chance. So you start this one with 6 chances to defeat Donkey Kong before starting the battle over. This battle is straight foward, DK controls the Red, Blue and Yellow Switches, you must pick up a Red,Blue or Yellow trash can and take it up by jumping on platforms. Once on top, its up to you on how you want to throw it. If you jump towards DK and throw it, you might have a rough landing and Mario becomes dizzy. DK will attack by dropping bricks and tools from the sky. You can do the handstand jump to survive the hits like before. This goes back a few lines, if Mario gets
dizzy from a rough jump, he will be vulnerable to DK's attack. I highly recommend you using the "free throw" method. Where you stand on the edge of the platform, jump straight up and release the trash can, it will hit DK. Do this 4 times and you will be in the next world.