Mario vs Donkey Kong
Level 1-6, Section B
It is so easy to start the level just walking and then a brick hits you. To prevent this, do the handstand jump and get Mario's steel toes to protect you. Keep walking and you'll see a trash can, don't pick it up, you'll need it to reach the platform above. If you'll still in
handstand mode then jump from the top of the can. If not, get in handstand mode and then jump off the top of the can. Attack the mechanical shyguy if you wish or just use the trampoline. Grab the trashcan and hit the other mechanical shyguy from below. Fall down to the platform below and jump to the Yellow Prize. Collect it and just go for the hammer, because theres something in the tashcan. Knock out all enemies and throw the hammer away. Don't forget to collect the Blue Prize thats far right. Now you are all clear to complete this level, so go ahead and grab the bubble. Free your little mechanical friend.