Mario vs Donkey Kong
Level 1-6, Section A
Mario gets more acrobatic in 1-6, with the Handstand jump. It may take some practice and can be prertty complicated explaining so thats why I included the screenshot. Just hold down and press jump and then Mario will will stand on his two hands. Advantages of
doing this is you can jump higher and can avoid falling objects without the need for a hard hat. You can perfrom this at the start of the level and then hit the Yellow Switch, climb the ladder and once again, get acrobatic. But its not as easy as the first time, because now you must do the Handstand Double Jump. Keep going right to and hit the blue switch, then climb down and hit the yellow. Collect the Red Prize before hitting the Red Switch. Climb down the Red Ladder, hit the Blue Switch and do the Handstand jump before entering the danger zone. With Mario on his hands just walk toward the Key, don't
stop for anything, the bricks will not hit you. Pick up the Key, use the trampoline, use the other trampoline, hit the Yellow Switch, hit the Red Switch, fall down towards the door, put the Key in and now you're done with the first part.