Mario vs Donkey Kong
Level 1-5, Section A
Start the level by jumping off the trampoline. Pick up the trash can, jump and throw it onto the next level, you can it take the ladder up or doing the handstand jump or if you're advanced, do the backflip. Pick up the trash can and throw it at the wondering mechanical
shyguy. Keep going right, hit the Blue Switch if you want, climb down the ladder and collect the Red Prize, if Blue is activated, you will automatically hit the Red Switch. Climb the ladder back up and hit the Blue Switch to free the Key. Climb down the ladder and fall down to collect the Key. Now you must do the same thing you did with the trash can. So keep throwing the Key to the platforms above. Once on top, grab the Key, walk all the way right and throw it before going down the ladder. Hit the Red Switch before the Key expires, climb back and grab the Key. Now just walk off the left edge, then walk off
the right edge and jump on top of the red blocks to unlock the door.