Mario vs Donkey Kong
Level 1-4, Section B
Theres only one way to go and thats up, so climb the ladder and don't hang on to the bars yet, this one is different. It has an electric current, wait for the the current to pass and then set your sights for that 1-up Mushroom above the bar. If you've gain enough momentum
you could kill two birds with one stone by hanging on the second bar and collecting the Blue Prize. Now just drop onto the conveyor and duck. Lets pretend that the Bubble isn't there and just go for that Yellow Prize by falling off the conveyor and then fall down to the bottom. If you want to knock out the mechanical shy guy, you can't do it with the trash can because the trash can becomes alive when you're near it. Unlike other trash cans, this one is too heavy to pick up, instead pick up the mecahanical shyguy and throw it at the trash can. Now back to the Yellow Prize. Fall down to the bottom and duck
and let the conveyor do it's job. You'll be back to the beginning and now repeat some steps to reach the top once again. This time around, the bubble is there, so just free it.