Walk Through
After collecting the cookie, Isaac is in a dead end. Go back around and down when there is a opening. Go straight down to reach the southern wall, now just go left through the small opening. Once you see some bricks on the floor, go up and follow this trail to the next door. This room is well lighted, this area is less complicated then it looks. Go down the stairs and go down to find another set of stairs. Go up the stairs and around the room. Slide
down and go through the door. This is the room the invisible man was talking about. Turn the left and right rocks and five glowing circles will appear. Once the glowing circles stop rotating, the top circle is the one that has to be chosen. Each rock represents a color, from left to right they are blue, green, white, yellow and red. After choosing the right rock for each color a door will appear. Behind this door is the Mystic Draught. Now head back to
the invisible man. Ivan will use Mind Read and it turns out that the invisible man is really Babi and was using the power of a ancient civilization to hide himself. The guards will walk in and escort Babi out of the cave, but before he leaves, he will invite Isaac to enter the Colosso finals. Exit Altmiller Cave and then go to Tolbi. Go to the area where the long line is. A guy will block the stairs from Isaac, but the other side is open. The guards will then take you in.