Walk Through
If you did fight the mimic or not, take the path left and then go straight up. This will lead to the invisible man that only our heroes can see. The invisible man is in a lot of pain and needs the Draught. He will explain how to get the Draught. Remember to rotate the left and right rocks when you are in a room with five rocks pointing out the ground. Each rock represents a color, they are blue, green, white, yellow and red. We will have to get there
first, start by entering the door to the left. The next door is to the right, but rocks block the path. Go left and then up, this will lead to a chest with a Vial. Next go back and now go down. Just keep walking right, don't walk up until the path turns. The door will lead to a room that is well lighted and contains a Djinni. Push the vertical log out of your way and the bottom horizontal log up. Now use Frost to freeze the puddle. Push the horizontal log back down, the
ice pillar should block it. Now walk down and around to the otherside of the veritical log, push it left. It should be blocked by the horizontal log and ice pillar. Now move the last log we haven't touched yet down and battle the Djinni. After acquiring Jupiter Djinni Squall, go to the wooden pillar and push it down. Hop the gap and enter the door. This will lead to another dark room.
In this room go left and then up and around to find a Cookie in a chest.