Walk Through
After finding out what the two shady characters said was true, Kraden doesn't want to stop there. He wants to explore Sol Sanctum some more, Isaac won't argue with Kraden's decision, Jenna and Garet will have no choice
but to stick together.
Take a few steps to the next room and Kraden will have more to say.
Kraden believes the Sol room and Luna room have some type of connection.
He will observe the Luna room while Isaac and party go
explore the area upstairs.
You will need to use your psynergy upstairs and if you ever need a refill, the path south will lead to a room with
a psynergy stone.
Otherwise head north to the room above the Luna room. Push any statue and bolts of lighthing will strike the Luna room below.
Kraden will escape by running upstairs
and tell Isaac that traps are set in Sol Sanctum. Kraden will give more valuable advice, try using light.
The area to the
left is above the Sol room. Push the two statues located on both sides into place.
The two statues will shed some light on a hole in thre ground. This hole is big enough for the middle statue to drop through, but there is no way we can reach it. Psynergy will make all that possible. Use the Move psynergy to push the statue into the hole, something will click. Thats the sound of the trap deactivating. It is now safe to move the four statues above the Luna room.