Walk Through
That stone that shifted was the door on the left opening.
Which leads to a room with many statues. Kraden feels that there is more to this room
then meets the eye. This can't be the end of Sol Sanctum, it was built to honor the sun of the solar system and there is nothing to show it. Well, Kraden is right! Go to the rightside of this room to find a statue with dotted lines on the floor. Anything that is inside of the dotted lines can be pushed. Give it a try
with the statue.
Behind it is a secret door that isn't a secret anymore.
Up those stairs
is a area with a few splits. Go north until you reach a four way split, take the path to the left to reach a dead end with a chest.
A small jewel is found inside.
Go back to the four way split and this time go north. Take the next path to the left which leads to another room with statues.
These statues are unreachable, but they still can be pushed. Lets take Kraden's advice and
use psynergy
to move the statues. Move the one on the far left to reveal another minotaur head with a missing eye. Place the small jewel to shift another stone, but where is it? Just like last time, the hidden door is behind the statue on the far right. Inside go up and then left to find a chest with a herb inside. Then take the path right to reach a room with a glowing floor. Kraden will take a closer look and confirm that what the shady characters said was true.