
Part 25: Battle against Kraid
The only enemy in this room is the hornet. We all know that hornets will stop appearing if we collect any bonuses it leaves behind. Next door contains the first boss of the game, Kraid. Prepare yourself by shooting hornets to refill your health all the way. You could also refill your missles if you like. When you feel you're ready, kill off the hornets until it leaves a bonus, but don't collect it. We don't want them to hit us while we're entering Kraid's room. Once
you enter, the battle starts, don't be afraid of Kraid because it isn't afraid of you. Jump onto the same platform he is on and keep firing the wave beam. We're not using missles, since it takes a few seconds to fire them and Kraid's spikes will block them. The wave beam is your best bet against Kraid because of it's rate of fire. Another thing about the wave beam is it's bouncy pattern, you should be hitting Kraid almost every second with the wave beam. If Kraid got your health real low, then pause the game and read on. Jump into the sand
pit to the right and fire at the right wall. A health upgrade will be revealed. Jump up and be near the door. Curl up, drop and hold right. Samus should be able to enter the gap and collect the upgrade. Your health has been upgraded and refilled. If you have defeated Kraid and collected the health upgrade, then its time to move on with your new set of seventy-five more missles. Next head back to the vertical gray room.
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