Mario vs Donkey Kong
Level 1-3, Section B
You can take it easy or you can go that extra mile and gain that a Extra Life. Lets go that extra mile by jumping and hanging on the bar, once you've built up enough momentum
press and Jump and Up again to hang on to the second bar. Once again press jump and
collect the Extra Life, wasn't hard after all, but we won't know unless we tried. Ok, now just walk off the platform and hold Up before falling and you'll hang on to the bar again. While hanging on go right and then build up your momentum and land on the green. Grab the trash can and hit the baddie if you want, but save the other trash can. Grab the other trash can and take the elevator down. Now throw the trash can into the spike pit. If you got it right below the Blue Prize, thats perfect, if not you might want to get the 3rd trash can and throw it into the pit just to be safe. Now jump on top of the trash can and
collect the Blue Prize. Now take the elevator up since its the faster then climbing ladders. Pick up the Bubble and free one of your sidekicks.