Mario vs Donkey Kong
Level 1-2, Section B
This level is pretty straight foward, once again climb up the ladder up to the floor that has the trash can and pick it up. Now jump off the trampoline to the top and throw it on top of the Mecahnical Shyguy. There are some flames up ahead guarding that o mighty hammer,
whenever the first flame is low, jump to nab the hammer and give it a wake up call. Same for his partner guarding the 1up mushroom. Throw the hammer up in the air and climb down the ladder to the bottom floor. Theres yet another hammer waiting for you and those oil cans are begging for it. So give them whats coming and collect your prize at the end. From here you know what to do, but I'm going to say what to do anyways. Climb up the green ladder and jump on top of the blue bubble with the Mechanical Mario inside. Press B to lift it and let it free. Already 2 levels are now done and 4 more are left til you guide a
army of Mechanical Marios against Donkey Kong.