Mario vs Donkey Kong
Level 1-1, Section A
This page will most likely be the least visited page on my site since the prelevel demo will show you everything you need to do. When you start the level you will be standing in front of a blue switch and standing with a blue outline behind you.
Jumping on the blue
switch will activate blue sections in the level and turn one other section into an outline. Jump on the blue switch if you haven't so already and you will see the red sections will turn to outlines. But now blue blocks are blocking your path and they must be deactivated by hitting the you guessed it, the red switch. Staight ahead a trampoline lies so don't be
afraid to jump off it. Aim straight to collect the yellow prize. Whats in the yellow prize? Well thats for you to find out after collecting all 3 prizes (red, yellow and blue) which will lead you to a minigame to gain extra lives. Now jump on top of the Key and
press B to pick it up and throw it to the side before walking over the door. Yeah, you could'vebeaten the level right there, but why not enjoy the game to the fullest? Okay after the Key is thrown a timer starts, once the timer reaches 0 the Key will reset to the original location. So before that happens, we're going to jump off the edge to collect the red prize. There is no blue prize here, they're saving that for the next part. Now race to the top and pick that key up to unlock that door.