Walk Through
After Kraken is defeated, the fourth oarsmen is down and one last passenger will be chosen to safely row the ship to Tolbi. Once the ship docks, all the passengers will complain about rowing and exit the ship. Isaac is now in Tolbi Docks, before moving on, go check the wooden box in the upper right corner for 35 coins. Talk to the girl with the blonde hair near the dock to deliver a message. Once on land there are two tall crates. Use the Move
psynergy to move the left crate, left two times and the right crate, left one time. There should be a gap between the two crates. Walk up the stairs and hop onto the crates to find a potion in the chest. There is nothing else to do here, go to the world map. Tolbi is so close, but first lets go to the otherside of silk road to nab that Djinni. To get there, take the path west and cross the bridge. Now follow the path east, the path will fade away, but keep going east to
reach Kalay Docks. This leads to the other side of Silk Road, grab Venus Djinni Ground and exit back to the world map. Head back west, but don't take the path to Tolbi just yet. There is still one more Djinni. Keep going west, off the path to find another bridge. Head near the forest to run into a battle against Mecury Djinni Hail. After acquiring two Djinn, we're now ready to go to Tolbi. Once in Tolbi, we're not done collecting Djinni just yet.