Walk Through
through the cave until you reached a room with two torch pillars. Push the torch in the dotted area onto the switch near the gate.
This will unlock the gate and lead Isaac to a room with many puddles of water. But before we go down there lets use
Ivan's Whirlwind psynergy
to blow
the leaves away. This leads to a chest that contains Vambrace.
Climb the ladder down and then use the Frost psynergy to turn all the puddles except for
the one to the right into ice pillars. Climb the ladder up and hop from pillar to pillar and enter the other door.
From here go left and down the ladder. Climb the next ladder up to be in a small room with three doors. The door to the right will lead to a switch that will drain the water in the room but flood other areas.
Once you're back in the room with three doors, take the door located south.
This will lead to another torch puzzle, this one is a bit tricky.
the torch pillar that isn't lit down one.
Then push the lit torch up one, now stop and watch the rain drops til you figure out the pattern. As soon as the drop on the right hits the ground push the lit torch all the way to the right, then push it all the way up and left until it touches the unlit torch. Next push it down one, then push it all the way left but watch out for the drop. Now push it up and right. Watch out for the last drop. We're almost there.