Walk Through
This room has the dragon statue with the missing eye, place the eye in the dragon to reveal a path. This path will lead to nowhere on the bottom floor, that path is the shadow of a invisible path on the same level as you. The problem is that its on the otherside.
Go two rooms back until you've reached the room that leads to the one with the Dragon Eye. Go all the way down to find a vertical log, roll it left and go to the next room.
Use the stumps to
reach the door on the left. You will now be back on the upper levels of Fuchin Falls Cave. Follow this path to the room that used to be dark. Walk onto the invisible path
to reach the high door.
Enter the door in the middle and hop over the water
gap to obtain the Orb of Force.
Climb the ladder up and exit Fuchin Falls Cave.
After completing the test, the guard will tell you to meet
Nyunpa. Go up the stairs and into the temple.
Nyunpa says that the Orb of
Force will scare monsters out of hiding.
South of Fuchin Temple but not far is Mogall Forest. At the entrance you will see a little creature hop into the decayed tree trunk. Equip the Orb of Force and use the Force psynergy near the trunk to scare the little creature South. Throughout Mogall Forest you will have to follow the little creature to the exit. Go south and if you use the Force psynergy on the next trunk, you will run into a battle with a Ape.