Walk Through
Once you're ready to leave Kolima, head east
and follow the path to
Kolima Bridge. The guard will lower the bridge for you
and from here, Fuchin Temple shouldn't be too far.
Once at Fuchin Temple take the stairs up to visit
Nyunpa. Nyunpa hasn't ate anything in days and will not waste his energy talking. So use the Mind Read psynergy to read his thoughts. Nyunpa will know that you are reading his mind and will talk to you.
Nyunpa will
explain that Mogall Forest is a maze and no one can reach the otherside.
Nyunpa will want you to go through the
trials in the waterfall grotto.
He will tell you more about Mogall forest after Isaac completes the test.
Go down the stairs and hop to the the waterfall entrance. The guard will let you in.
At the entrance
of Fuchin Falls Cave, a sign says that a dragon's flame lights the
path of truth. There will be two logs in front of you and a third one on the side.
The log on the right will take you to a chest that is really a Mimic, defeating it will give you a Game Ticket. Unless you want to fight it, take the log on the left.
Next room is a small lake with a series of stumps. Jump onto the second stump from the left and hop your way up to the platform in the middle. Don't go through the door, but use the stumps on the left to reach the left door. Continue moving foward and pass the dark room until there is a log in front of you.