Golden Sun Walk Through

Continue walking right to find a floodgate switch, hit it to empty the lake. There are a few logs in the lake and we're going to have to move them. There is a treasure chest on the otherside. In order to reach it, we're going to raise the water after moving the logs into postion. We'll get the treasure out of the way and then worry about the exit. First, move the two horizontal logs up. Second, push the vertical log to the otherside. Third, push the topleft horizontal log back down.

We are halfway there, only three more logs to move. Next move the vertical log on the bottom to the right. Then move the other top horizontal log down. Finally, move the bottom vertical log back to it's original position. Time to flood the lake again by hitting the floodgate switch. Easily hop your way to reach the chest. A fur coat is inside, it will boost defense up. Drain the lake again and move the top vertical log left. Flood it again and hop to the exit.