Walk Through
Since Ivan was able to leave the town of Vault, he came just in time to help. Ivan will blow the vines away with his Whirlwind psynergy.
Ivan explains that he couldn't reach his father
and would want to help you. Now with Ivan back on your side, use the Move psynergy
to push the pillar off the edge.
Hop onto the platform and use Ivan's Whirlwind psynergy to clear the wall of leaves to reveal the entrance to Goma Cave.
Inside Goma Cave
follow the path along the waterway until you see a stump in the water.
Hop on it to the otherside, then head south and enter the door on top of the stairs. Head east until you see a wooden pillar in a dotted area. Push it up to make the Djinni reachable when you get up there later. The hiker will talk about the Djinni reappearing again once you re-enter an area. Now head southwest and jump the small water gap. In the next area just walk around the room to
the next door.
You will now be in one of the upper floors of Goma Cave, use Move to push the pillar to the right and then hop to south of it. This pillar can be pushed off the platform, so use your Move psynergy to do so. Theres a treasure chest on the rightside, to get there go back to the pillar and use the Move Psynergy to push it back left, now theres enough room to get there. Inside you'll find a lucky medal. Now just move the pillar right to go back.