Megaman & Bass
What is old is new again
Lets just start out by mentioning that if you love Megaman games, then go out and add Megaman & Bass to your collection. Megaman & Bass has all the classic Megaman goodness you would expect. Megaman sticks to his usual self, with charged shots, sliding and single jumps. Bass has rapid shots, eight way shooting and double jumping. Even though Megaman & Bass have different abilities, both go through the same adventure. You can't switch between Megaman and Bass once your adventure starts, so give both a try to find the hero that suits you best. Each level has it's own unique theme and boss. Megaman and Bass offers non-linear gameplay by allowing players to choose between few levels at a time. Some bosses may seem impossible at first, but defeating easier ones will earn Megaman or Bass new upgrades to use anytime. If you still need additional help, there is a shop where Megaman or Bass can buy additional powerups such as faster charge time, refill health quicker, extra lives and other goodies. Data Discs are scattered across levels that contain information on many Megaman enemies including classic ones. There are 75 of these in all and it is impossible to collect them all with only Megaman or Bass. Since you can't switch between Megaman and Bass, you will have to create a second file with the other character to collect the rest since the Disc Database isn't attached to each file but shared between all game files. Megaman & Bass is worth buying since its not only good, but never been released in US.
Rating 8.5 out of 10

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