Hide and Snipe
Playing Kill.Switch was one of the most unique experiences on the GameBoy Advance. Kill.Switch is from a third person perspective that is in a 3D environment. In many games, the training levels are a waste of time. But in Kill.Switch, it gets players comfortable with the weapons and how to use them effectively in battle situations. In most shooters, being offensive is always better then being defensive and thats because those games lack defensive options. In Kill.Switch you can hide behind walls and various objects, walk slowly while crouching and if caught in a crossfire, roll to quickly take cover. The controls may take a little while to get used to, with the d-pad players can go foward, backwards, strife left and right. Turn with the L and R buttons, press both of them together to enter free aim mode. This control scheme may be a little difficult on GameBoy SP owners as the L and R buttons are small. The enemies move either left and right or up and down like if they're in a shooting range, even though their movement is limited they can still deal a great amount of damage if you're open. Enemies and other objects become hard to see from far away. The music has a strange mix of being quite catchy, stealthy and cheery which strangely works with this shooter. Once a level is completed you can try to beat it within a time limit or play zombie mode, where you have unlimited ammo to try to complete the level with respawning enemies. Kill.Switch is a excellent shooter and one of the best gba games we played.
Rating 8.0 out of 10

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