Gekido Advance
Beat em up meets a sense of adventure
Gekido is a beat em up game, similar to Final Fight and many others back in the day. Just about in all beat em ups your character goes on an endless fighting spree of defeating hordes of enemies until the boss. After the boss comes the next level and then it starts all over again. Gekido Advance sticks to this formula but adds some adventure elements into the mix. The adventure part mainly consists of collecting keys for unlocking new areas. There are also booby traps to avoid and some platform jumping fun. Its a nice break in the action as too much of a good thing can be bad. Unlike other beat em ups where players are punished for using special attacks when they're strong, Gekido has a separate bar that refills over time. Even though most beat em ups suffer from repetition, Gekido Advance also suffers from repetition. One of them is the audio, every tune in the game is a few seconds track looped over and over again. Twenty minutes in the game and the audio will become annoying. Its a beat em up, so fighting enemies becomes a chore as Gekido Advance is pretty long for a game of it's type. There isn't any extra unlockables to keep Gekido Advance in your GameBoy as the game uses passwords to save. The passwords are only a few characters and are easy to remember. Theres no link play, as beat em ups are always much funner with friends. Gekido is ok and wouldn't be a bad choice for a bargain purchase.
Rating 5.5 out of 10

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