
Part 31: Battle Against Ridley
Shoot the door to the left open and enter. This room has a sandpit as a floor and vertical columns as platforms. If you are ever stuck between two tall vertical columns and can't jump on top of one. Just roll under one and get on a smaller platform. The next door leads to Ridley, if you have about a third of health, you can still do it. Thats because we're not going to be attacking Ridley directly. Enter Ridley's room, fall down into the sandpit. Get under
Ridley with your wave beam equipped. Just shoot up, all Ridley can do is hop up and down while the sandpit is slowly draining your health. It shouldn't take any more then one health unit to finish the job. After Ridley is finished, fire ten missles against the pink door. Curl up and bomb hop through the door. This room has a few sweepers and a sand pit. There are some invisible platforms above the sand that can help reduce some
damage, the final health upgrade in the game isn't too far. Get it to refill your health, nothing more. We have collected all the upgrades and powerups in the game. But we are not done, there is one more area and boss. We have to make preparations for what we are going to face. The Metroids. Go all the way right to the vertical room and jump your way up to the door at the very top. Now head left, the next room will have the elevator back to Norfair.
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